Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Part 2 - An Unexpected Visit

Hi again! This is part 2 of Everybody Loves Henry. I hope you enjoy it. Please comment!

Jessica came home with me after school that day. She was really shy when my parents came to greet her. Her eyes were down for most of the time that we were around them. She was a little more social when we went out to the backyard to play, but not by much. I kept wondering why she wouldn't open up.

"Do you have brothers or sisters?" I said.

"Well....no" she replied.

"Does your mum work?"

"Sort of. She well.....has her own home business"

"That's really cool. What kind of business?"

"Like selling toys and flowers and stuff."

"That sounds fun. What about your Dad?"

She froze. Her gaze locked onto mine for an instant, then she quickly averted her eyes back to the ground. "My Dad has a regular job. He um....works long hours."

I knew I shouldn't ask anymore questions. I stared at her for a couple moments longer, and then suggested we play a game.

Jessica ate dinner with us that evening. She said that her mum's buisness was open until late, so she didn't normally get a home cooked meal to eat with her family. That was definitely enough for me to invite her to stay for my dad's amazing cooking. She was actually social while we were at the table talking with my Mum and Dad.

"So Jessica, how do you like school?" My Mum asked her in a sweet, honey voice.

"I love school. My teachers are so nice."

"Do you get decent grades?" Dad countered.

"Dad. Stop" I complained.

"It's fine, Henry." Jessica replied cooly. "I'm ok with that question." She turned back to Dad, "I have straight As in school."

"Excellent. Just what my ears like to hear. You're just like Henry."

"Ugh, Daaad!" I complained again, this time in a baby-ish wail.

"Henry, stop it. Don't be embarrassed that you're smart." Mum lectured to me.

"Ok, ok. Can we go play now?"

"Yes, go ahead you two."

It was about 7 o'clock, when Jessica and I walked into my room to go play with my toys. After about 10 minutes, there was a knock at the front door. A minute or two later, I heard a male voice that was definitely not my Dad's. I turned to Jessica, who was intently staring out into the living room. Mum was talking to a tall brown-haired man who resembled Jessica more than I could explain. He looked really angry, like someone had just insulted everything about him. Although I clearly didn't need to ask, I whispered to her, "Is that your Dad?"

She nodded, very slowly. Then she hesitantly walked out into the living room and looked up at her father, waiting for...something. He stared down at her, and narrowed his eyes. "Jessica, it's late. You have school tomorrow. Let's go." He pointed to the front door and walked over to open it.

She glanced over at me standing in the threshold of my bedroom door, and slowly backed away from her Dad towards my door. "But, Daddy. I want to stay. I like it here. Can't I go home later?"

"NO!" he bellowed. "You will come home NOW!" He clenched and unclenched his fists at a steady rate, and his jaw tightened. His face started to turn the slightest shade of pink.

Jessica flinched when her Dad exploded. Then Mum cut in with, "It's really no bother Mr. Coons, I can drive Jessica home in a little while."

Her Dad whipped his head in her direction and walked over to face her directly. "She will go home now, because I said so."

Jessica turned to face me again, waved a limp hand in my direction, and hung her head as she reluctantly walked out of the house. Her Dad stomped out of the house behind her, quickly turned his head towards my Dad and said, "Have a good evening," without the slightest smile.

Mum closed the door behind them and said to my Dad, "Well, someone has a bit of an anger problem. Do you think he's bipolar?"

"Maybe. But it's none of our buisness to find out." He replied. He swiveled in my direction, noticing for the first time that i was standing there during the whole episode. Dad shook his head and walked into his and Mum's bedroom to browse some cookbooks.

"Mum...." I whispered. "Mum, is Jessica still allowed to come over?"

"I don't know, hun," she said with a heavy sigh. She walked into her and Dad's bedroom too, and I was left standing there in the doorway of my bedroom. I looked around at the living room, where Jessica had been standing only moments before. My shoulders slumped as I faded back into my room, where I quickly went through my homework and climbed into bed.

I replayed the scene in my dreams, trying to figure out what had set off Mr. Coons. No matter how many times I hit pause, or played it in slow motion, I found nothing.


S@n February 10, 2009 at 7:01 PM  

He is definitely bipolar!!! :D lol
Poor Jessica, I hope she will be alright, her father looks like a dangerous man... not a very loving father at all... hope he wont mistreat her!
Good Job!

ashgirl195 February 11, 2009 at 12:59 PM  

Lol thank you sandy! You're catching on quite quickly....hehe.

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