Sunday, March 22, 2009

Part 5 - Our New Life

Welcome to Part 5 of Everybody Loves Henry! I'd love if you commented. This is a very short chapter, but I felt it was important to include by itself, rather than with the next chapter. Enjoy!

Told by Kasey Coons

He hit my daughter. The man I was so in love with for 15 years hit my poor little daughter. And now that cowardly bastard ran off, nowhere to be found. I can't believe I never noticed it before.

Hearing the front door open, but not hear him get into bed until 30 minutes later. Jessica always staying in her room until he left for work. The way she curled and flinched at the mention of his name. I thought the scratch under her eye was just from falling while playing or something, and the bruise......I couldn't find an explanation for that. I never once thought that it would have been him. I didn't think he was that kind of person. But I was wrong. So terribly, terribly wrong.

And now, I have to listen to the gruesome details of what that fucker did to my child. Jessica sat at the dining table of our new house, telling the police man everything he did to her. The diary entries she wrote were in a box in the police car, along with pictures of her scars and bruises.

"When did he start to hit you?" said the police man.

"I...I can't remember." Jessica responded.

"Well, how long before you went through your change in wardrobe?"

"A long time. A couple months. I tried hardest to hide the bruises. He hit me on places that I could cover with my clothes." Jessica hung her head, tears stinging her eyes.

"Towards the beginning of the year," murmured the man, more to himself than to Jessica. He had a notepad that he held under the table, jotting down anything and everything Jessica said.

"Did he ever do anything more than hit you?"

"Wh...what do you mean?"

The police man looked at Jessica, his gaze softening, his voice lower. "Did he ever make you take your clothes off, or feel under your clothes?"

Jessica looked down and fidgeted with her fingers. Her voice trembled. "No, he only hit me. And choked me. And kicked me."

The police man sighed, obviously sympathizing Jessica. He turned to me and said, "We will take a look through the diary entries and use what we can from there. I'll call you if we find a lead on where he might be. Until then, please remember to lock all your doors and windows. He may not know where you two live yet, but it's very likely he could find out."

I nodded and stood up. I led the man into the living room, towards the front door, and Jessica followed. I gave the man a leisurely hug, and he said, "I'm sorry Kasey, that you have to deal with this. I'm sorry he wasn't who you thought he was. And I'm sorry your daughter has to suffer like this. But I assure you, we will do everything in our power to put him behind bars. Cold, rusty, mother-fucking bars." He smiled. "Keep the gun in a place that you can get to easily." The man turned to walk out the door, but turned around one last time and smiled at Jessica. "Oh, and Jessica, happy early birthday. Have fun with your party tomorrow." Then he walked out to his car and drove away.

I closed the front door and turned to face Jessica. "Sweetheart, I think it's time you change back to your old wardrobe. There's no reason to dress that way anymore."

"But, I threw away everything from my old wardrobe." She said quietly.

I smiled. "Tell you what, tomorrow we will go out shopping before your party so you look as pretty as can be. That way you can impress your friend, Henry."

Jessica's face turned bright red. "I'm...I'm not trying to impress him." I giggled. There was no way she could fool me.

Henry's 15th birthday was last week, and he had gotten so darn tall. It made Jessica feel smaller than she already had, so she did everything she could to try and get taller. She ate extra vegetables, and even stretched every night. Jessica was slowly inching towards his height. She said maybe she would grow overnight in time for her party. What a miracle that would be!

I rushed her along to her new bedroom, and told her to change into her pajamas. "Come on, bedtime. You've got a big day tomorrow." I hugged and kissed her, and she promptly jumped into her bed.

"No one's coming tonight?" She whispered.

"Nope. No one. Ever again." I whispered back. Then I closed the door, knowing I could sleep well tonight.


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